October 20, 2012

FREE Project - customized envelopes

Free Project #1 - Envelopes
Please bring scrapbook paper and we will show you how to make these custom envelopes.
Who wouldn't love getting a fun envelope in the mail or with their birthday or Christmas card?  Using scrapbook paper, we will be making envelopes in 2 different sizes - 3.5"x6.5" and 4.5"x6.25"...one of the templates is a heart that turns into an envelope - fun for Valentine's Day.  No need to buy envelopes all the time!  Make your own!
We are hoping to have a good selection of donated scrapbook paper to be able to make these, so please go through your paper stash and bring anything you may want to make for your self or to donate for others to make these envelopes.


  1. Hi...Leslie Widing told me about your craft day. I was wondering if it is too late to join in the fun...I would love to come and do 2 dish soap bottles, 1 prophet frame, and 1 2Xnativity. I could give the money to Leslie at work, or pay on Saturday if it will work out. Let me know...Thank you. Heather Kersh

    1. Heather...I got your order. You can just bring the $18 on Saturday when you come to make the projects.
